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Decluttering my emails

19 Apr

In my seminar Monday night, we looked at areas where we were not organized.

My emails, and the stress associated with trying to get through them each day, came to mind immediately.   I get so many emails from companies trying to sell me, educate me, or sign me up for something that by the time I am through deleting them, I rarely have the mental fortitude left to deal with the real emails.

And, knowing that I might not be getting back to a client, completing a required form, or responding to my boss, weighs on my mind all day.  It robs me of my energy and aliveness.  Just thinking about it makes me tired.

So I created an action step:  unsubscribe to at least 10 companies before our next seminar session.

Before the seminar was even over, I took out my phone and looked at my emails.  The worry started immediately.  What if I need to know what’s on sale at Chico’s?  What if Ann Taylor has a really good dress being featured?  What if I’m missing a good coupon at Bob’s?  What if I ever decide to shop at Kohl’s?   What if I want the 20% off my next book at Barnes & Noble?

I felt like I was trying to declutter my house and couldn’t make myself throw anything away.  This wasn’t even things.  I thought about it.  If I really needed a coupon or something, I could google the regular site and find what I needed.  Even if I kept getting the emails, I’d probably never find the one I needed, remember it was there, or use it before it expired.

I went to the first email.  Chico’s.  I found the unsubscribe button and clicked.  Next was the Gap.  After the first couple it got easier.  Some of them wanted a reason.  Simple – I am trying to get less emails.

So far I have taken myself off of 14 different emails.  And guess what?  This morning I could barely notice the difference.

So I’m going to keep going.  The next few are a little harder.  Do I really need to know when the Chamber of Commerce events are?  I’m not even a member.  But it’s something I probably should go to……………Well, I’m obviously not cured, but I’m a little better then I was before.  Wish me luck.